First off, it goes without saying that our blog posts as well as our e-news letters are intermittent at best …
But … perhaps,
… it is just us saving you the pain of actually reading (who does that these days anyway), and pointing your attention to our social channels (@redvaultproductions on IG & FB … also wildly intermittent) …
Ehh, heck we should probably just chalk it up to the fact that when we are rocking on some cool projects, we are totally immersed in the process, and when we have some time to recharge, we are playing hard (away from screens) … it is just the nature of the beast. Wildly, thats exactly what this post is about … our winter adventures with 2 boards on our feet … I’m talking about SKIING.

Matador Network found our story of interest when tasked with creating a small campaign for the State of Vermont around our winter adventures, and came to share a few turns with me (its Stefân here). Don’t get me wrong, it was totally strange being on the other side of the lens for this one, but skiing is NOT what you do, it IS who your are and I can talk about it infinitely … its in my DNA.

Weaving our story here at Red Vault with the indie hill we hold dear in our heart and have worked with extensively, it made for a fun Spring Day of sliding around snow with friends and family. I love this state, it was where I first put skis on, where I worked in the ski industry for a decade and where we have moved back to positioning us closer to the mountains, the people, and the adventures we cherish ever day.

It was cool to be a voice of Vermont Skiing for the season and look forward to sharing some turns with you all soon when the snow falls again.