21 of ’21

With the 2022 film production calendar already stacked, we would be remiss if the team didn’t share a glimpse at some of the stoke filled projects that were framed up in the year passed.

Last year took us all over the map(project wise), from “Master Class” style interview setups, to follow-cam skiing, and from hosted TV content to web series comedy.


while we would love to share each and every new piece of content here for all to see … our blog page would then be forced to take on the character of a social media feed, adding to the digital media cluttered world.

Lets set it straight…

The team at Red Vault Productions and most who have worked with us over the past decade, hold the value of our storytelling at the highest level of filmmaking. Valuing “Quality” over “Quantity” has been a pillar of our process and mission since our inception.

We don’t like “Stuff.”

We enjoy that which was crafted by skilled hands, brains, and souls.

Content is not “King.” History has taught us a power shift is just over the horizon.

Through it all, “Quality” stands timeless, and “Trends” die quick.

So to that, we give you 21 of ’21… something of Quality with a Quick view of time passed.


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